According to Stats Canada, four out of five adults will experience at least one episode of back pain at some point in their lives. Sometimes solace can be found in statistics, but that just unnerves me. Although four out of five adults are a huge number, there are even more alarming statistics about back pain. In Britain, an estimated 4.9 million...
Two thirds of the world population has been locked down for the past few months. The most common question most of us have is what happens next and where will we be in six months or a year from now? There are a number of possibilities, all depending on how governments and society respond to Covid-19 i.e. Corona Virus and its health and economic...
Minimally invasive spinal surgery is a new alternative method to operate on people. The main difference from regular spinal surgery is that it cuts down the amount of time it takes for the human body to heal and hence allows the patient to leave the hospital in a quicker period of time. It also helps in a sense of not having to cut open the...