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Spinal Disc Surgery in Chennai

Are you looking for the best disc surgeon in Chennai? Then you are in the right place, here in Chennai, Dr G Balamurali is the lending spine surgeon to treat all kinds of disc problems. Read this article till end to know more about what is disc surgery, what is the best hospital for disc surgery in Chennai, who will need the disc surgery and much more

What is Disc Surgery?

Disc surgery is a surgical procedure that’s conducted to remedy damaged spinal discs. The best disc replacement surgeons often perform the procedure for patients suffering from chronic back pain on a severe degree. Spinal discs are composed of cartilage, which can be degraded over time. This change can hamper your flexibility and movement, while also worsening the pain you feel. Disc replacement surgeons in Chennai will perform the procedure after due consultation and explanation of the procedure. Dr G Balamurali is one among the most reputed doctors for disc surgery in Chennai.

The best disc replacement surgeons suggest the procedure as an alternative to spinal fusion surgery. Disc replacement surgery is proven to be effective in reducing back pain significantly. Furthermore, it does not come at the cost of reduced flexibility that arises as a result of spinal fusion therapy. Dr G Balamurali is a pioneer for 

What is The Best Hospital for Disc Surgery in Chennai?

Chennai is home to a lot of prominent healthcare institutions that are on par with global healthcare. Institutions like Kauvery Hospital are helmed by expert medical practitioners like Dr. Balamurali, with years of experience as consultants and surgeons to their name. 

At Kauvery Hospital, for instance, the surgical procedure is offered by veteran disc replacement surgeons in Chennai such as Dr. Balamurali. From consultation to diagnosis and the process itself, you’ll receive best-in-class treatment, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free procedure for disc replacement surgery in Chennai. It’s in your best interests to consult with an experienced medical professional (and preferably a super-specialty hospital) for a procedure as intensive as this.

Will I need Disc Replacement Surgery?

If you require disc surgery in Chennai, chances are you’ve already seen a doctor regarding persistent issues like back pain and other posture-related complications. The best disc replacement surgeons in Chennai will only ever recommend the surgery if it’s a case of dire need. Dr. Balamurali has extensive experience with disc replacement procedure in Chennai, and offers it as a solution in the event that other less invasive techniques do not remedy the problem. 

Since the surgery involves removal of spinal discs and introduction of an artificial disc, a number of factors have to be accounted for much before the procedure itself. For instance, if you have a history of scoliosis, or if you’ve had spine surgery of some form before. Even factors like weight are taken into consideration, because disc replacement requires a fair amount of rehabilitation. As the best disc replacement surgeon in Chennai, Dr. Balamurali recommends the procedure as a definitive solution for spine-related issues.

The Procedure for Disc Surgery in Chennai

Before we get into the specifics of the process, we have to acknowledge that there are different types of disc anomalies. For instance, one of the most common cases involves a hernia in the vertebral discs. The spine surgeons at Kauvery Hospital include the best herniated disc surgeons in India, such as Dr. Balamurali. Another common disc problem is the slipped disc. Also known as prolapsed disc, this condition can cause severe lower back pain that requires immediate medical attention. Dr. Balamurali is one of the best herniated disc surgeons in Chennai, so you’re in good hands!

How To Prepare for Disc Surgery in Chennai

Like elsewhere in the world, disc surgery is an invasive procedure, and therefore requires anesthesia to sedate the patient. At Kauvery Hospital, an anesthesiologist will also be present for the procedure alongside the best disc replacement surgeons in house to oversee the surgery. Considering the invasive nature of the procedure, it’s also standard procedure to have a vascular surgeon in the operating theater. As you can see, disc surgery in Chennai takes a small village! 

To give you an example, let’s go over how disc replacement surgery at Kauvery Hospitals would go.

In the days leading up to the surgery, the lead surgeon will give you clear guidelines on the dos and don’ts. Many of the best disc replacement surgeons in Chennai (including Dr. Balamurali) will walk you through the paperwork, especially the pre-operative forms, answering any and all questions you may have. 

On the day of the disc surgery, you will be advised to wear comfortable clothing and preferably bring someone who can drive you to and from the hospital. It’s also advisable to leave your valuables aside, as it can become time-consuming when you have to change into the hospital gown for the surgery.

Once you’re prepped for surgery, the anesthesiologist will meet with you and give you a rundown of the procedure ahead. You will be hooked up to an IV by the vascular surgeon, and after that, the best disc replacement surgeon in Chennai, Dr. Balamurali, will take it from there!

Interested in a consultation?

Dr. G. Balamurali, best spinal disc surgery specialist is reachable through phone at +91 87 5454 5353. Schedule an appointment for world-class treatment and remedies!

Google Review for Dr. G. Balamurali

spinal disc surgery in chennai reviews
Name:Dr. G. Balamurali
Qualification:MBBS, MRCS (Ed), MD(UK), FRCS (Neurosurgery)
Years of Experience:26 Years
In Association With:Kauvery Hospital, Hamsa Rehab, GET Fit 360
Specialization:Spine Surgery
Phone:87 5454 5353
Email id:[email protected]

Disc Replacement Surgery: The Process & Rehabilitation

The process of surgery involves making a cut in your abdomen, removing the faulty vertebral disc and replacing it with an artificial disc. 

As you will be under anesthesia throughout, you will not experience any pain. Your vital signs will be monitored throughout by the vascular and disc replacement surgeons in Chennai. 

Immediately after the surgery, you may experience slight discomfort as your body gets attuned to the new disc. Rest assured, the lead disc surgeon will prescribe medications and routine checkups to assist with the adjustment process. 

During the recovery phase, it is imperative that you contact your doctor if you experience any sort of discomfort or pain, especially in your back. While you will be consulting with them during physical therapy, please keep in mind that recovery takes time.

Dr. Balamurali is one among the best disc replacement surgeons in Chennai, having conducted a remarkable number of spine surgeries in his years as a medical practitioner. He consults at Kauvery Hospital on business days, and is reachable through phone and email for appointments.

Is There Any Way to Avoid Spinal Disc Surgery?

Many people in Chennai have troubles with keeping their back and neck pain free. This problem is something that should not be taken lightly. If you are experiencing regular back pack, it would be wise to have your back properly diagnosed by a spine doctor in Chennai. If the pain is not common, or just after certain activity there may be less to worry about and a few ways to help. There are many reasons why you back may be in pain from a bad mattress to a weak back. This article is going to give some ways to help your back and avoid having painful spinal disc surgery.

One of the best ways to reduce back pain and avoid problems in the long run is to strengthen your lower back. Strengthening the muscles that are support your spine will take some of the load off of it. This can be accomplished in many ways, and one of the best is a regular workout routine. Some exercises that can help the lower back include; good mornings, hyperextensions, and deadlifts. It’s important to start light on any exercise with your back to get it used to the extra work you are putting on it. Also make sure to keep a balanced fitness routine and not just workout the back, the other body parts are important too.

Investing in a quality mattress is also a great way to reduce morning back pain. At night, if you have a bad mattress your spine is compressed in an unnatural way that causes pain in the mornings and even throughout the day. Some companies have developed mattresses that will allow you to control the firmness based on your needs. This is important because not everyone is the same when it comes to the firmness of a mattress. Sleep Number is a type of mattress that actually allows for you and your loved one to have different settings, keeping both happy and pain free.

If you already have back pain and you are looking for a way to reduce it, there are also a few quick remedies. Any pain medication will of course reduce the pain in your lower back, and they actually have specific medicines to treat the pain in that area. Applying heat to the back is also a great way to reduce pain, this works by stimulating blood flow. There are many different ways to treat and avoid back pain, these are just a few. If you are having serious back problems it’s important to contact a spine surgeon in Chennai right away to have it properly diagnosed regularly to make sure there are not any deeper issues that need addressing.

Dr. G. Balamurali, best spinal disc surgery specialist is reachable through phone at +91 87 5454 5353. Schedule an appointment for world-class treatment and remedies!

FAQs on Disc Surgery in Chennai

Q: When will I be discharged after surgery?

A: As far as disc replacement surgery in Chennai goes, you will be discharged after being under observation, usually for a day. You can head back home and resume activities while watching your physical activity.

Q: Should I mention any allergies to my doctor?

A: Yes, you should always specify any allergies and medical history to your doctor. It’s also fine to take a second opinion with other members among the best disc surgery experts in Chennai.

Q: How much will disc surgery cost in Chennai?

A: Disc surgery is an intensive procedure, and therefore it is often better to have such major procedures covered under health insurance. The cumulative disc surgery cost in Chennai depends based on consultation fees and post-surgery rehabilitation therapy fees. It’s in your best interests to clear up any fee queries with your doctor beforehand.

Q: What kind of doctor does disc surgery?

A: As orthopedic spine surgeon in Chennai, orthopedic spine doctors concentrate primarily on repairing problems of the cervical and lumbar spinal anatomy. These disc surgeons spend every day assessing, diagnosing, and treating patients with spine-related injuries and conditions, including: Degenerative disc diseases.

1 CommentLeave a comment

  • Hasan Case Introduction
    This patient called as Mr. Hasan is 55 years old healthy man but has a spinal injury.
    Hasan was diagnosed with spinal tuberculosis (TB) infection in September 2022. Unfortunately the TB was diagnosed when the disease got into very late stage and it caused a vertebral collapse to the patient. The patient was in critical condition when TB treatment was started.
    At the end of September 2023 Hasan was treated for the TB disease for one year and his local doctor instructed him to continue with the treatment for another six months.
    Now Hasan has recovered from the infection but he is still unable to get out of the bed independently. Anyway when supported and raised he can move and walk around with the support of walking frame.
    The problem is that the TB disease has caused vertebral injuries. There is a fracture and compression at the TH9 & TH10 region of his spine. This fracture has to be fixed and repaired.

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